Lanea Schroeder Scholarship
The Lanea Schroeder Scholarship is intended to assist aspirant leaders who want to develop their outdoor skills, knowledge, and first-hand experience. It is awarded annually to two people who show considerable interest in advancing their outdoor pursuits.
About the Scholarship
Lanea Schroeder was an outdoor leader at Crowsnest Lake Bible Camp (CLBC). She loved God, and she loved nature. To honour her memory, CLBC annually awards two scholarships aimed at furthering our community’s outdoor education.
Successful completion of Crowsnest Outdoor Leadership Training School (COLTS)
Or, currently enrolled in Crowsnest Outdoor Leadership Training School (COLTS)
*Full-time staff at CLBC are not eligible to apply
Applications are due September 1st and March 1st every year. Recipients will be notified September 10th and March 10th respectively in the same year.
*Applicants are welcome to apply recurrently once per calendar year.
Up to $1,200 will be awarded to each successful recipient.
*It is suggested that at least 80% of the scholarship award goes towards tuition or course fees. The 20% remainder is eligible to cover expenses generated from the course (e.g. equipment, fuel, lodging).
What we are looking for in the application
1. Why you are a good fit to receive the Lanea Schroeder Scholarship.
2. What your objectives are.
3. How you intend to use the skills, knowledge, and first-hand experience you hope to acquire.
4. How you intend to advance Crowcamp’s mission of discipleship and evangelism.
The courses or programs that are suitable to receive this scholarship will be outdoor-based, and focus on developing skills, knowledge, and first-hand experience. Examples of such courses or programs could include, but are not limited to:
Eligible Courses
· Paddle Canada: Skills, Instructor, Instructor Trainer
· Outdoor Council of Canada (OCC): Instructor, Hiking, Equine, Paddle, Navigation
· Interpretive Guides Association (IGA): Apprentice, Professional, and Master Interpreter
· Association of Canadian Mountain Guides (ACMG): Rock, Alpine, Ski, or Hiking Stream, TRCI, VFG, CGI
· Wilderness First Aid: various providers; 40hour, 80hour
· Swift Water Rescue: various providers
· Avalanche Canada: AST1, AST2, Operations Level 1, 2
· Leave No Trace (LNT): Master Educator, Instructor
· Other outdoor-based courses that develop skills, knowledge, and first-hand experience (e.g. archery, mountain biking, adventure photography, mountaineering, survival, kayaking, etc.)
Eligible Programs
· Mountain Adventure Skills Training (MAST): College of the Rockies
· Mountain Skills Semester (MSS): Yamnuska Mountain Adventures
· Explore: Prairie College
· Quest / ERT: Columbia Bible College
· Outward Bound: various locations
· National Outdoor Leadership School (NOLS): various locations
· Crowsnest Outdoor Leadership Training School (COLTS): If you are taking the two-month option.
· Post Secondary Education: Various fields of study (e.g. outdoor leadership, eco-tourism, environmental science, leadership studies, etc.)
· Other outdoor-based programs that develop skills, knowledge, and first-hand experience
Step 1:
Successful completion of or enrolment in COLTS
Step 2:
Decide what courses/programs you aim to attend
Step 3:
Apply through the link at the bottom of this page
Step 4:
Apply by September 1st or March 1st each year
Step 5:
Wait until September 10th or March 10th to be contacted
Step 6:
Fund your learning adventure or reapply once per calendar year
Who was Lanea Schroeder?
Lanea Schroeder was an energetic, caring person who loved healthy food and was serious about her faith. She grew up mostly in Ukraine before she moved back to Canada. After high school she attended Millar College of the Bible where she met her husband, Logan Schroeder. Logan and Lanea, fresh out of school, enthusiastic about life, adventure, and their faith, decided they wanted to support summer camp ministry. They became involved with Blue Bronna Wilderness Camp (BBWC) and Crowsnest Lake Bible Camp (CLBC), seeking to share the gospel in an outdoor setting. After volunteering for a few weeks at CLBC and eagerly joining out-trips in support roles, they decided to apply for COLTS in 2020. They were both accepted and did COLTS together, as a married couple, growing strong community and supporting CLBC’s mission. Their leadership in CLBC’s outdoor programs was admirable. Lanea returned the following summer to co-instruct a Leave No Trace Instructor course, lead more out-trips, and volunteer in other capacities, while Logan accompanied her and volunteered periodically that summer too. Lanea passed her first ACMG Apprentice Hiking Guide exam that year, and more seriously took up rock climbing and skiing.
Tragically, following that summer, Lanea was involved in a spring skiing incident on April 13, 2022. Her party was ascending Mount des Poilus while on a multi-day ski traverse of the Wapta Icefield in Yoho National Park when she fell through a cornice near the summit ridge. She fell 300m and her injuries were fatal. Lanea’s husband Logan was not on the trip, and he continues to this day to be an active member of the CLBC community. CLBC is richly blessed by the service and energy Logan brings, while Lanea Schroeder’s previous involvement has been instrumental in many people’s lives.
Apply for the Lanea Schroeder Scholarship
Though the mountains be shaken
and the hills be removed,
yet my unfailing love for you will not be shaken
nor my covenant of peace be removed,
says the Lord, who has compassion on you.
Isaiah 54:10
— Lanea’s favourite Bible verse